vendredi 8 mars 2019

Policy-Based Profession, The: An Introduction to Social Welfare Policy Analysis for Social Workers, 3rd Edition Bank Test Questions

Policy-Based Profession, The: An Introduction to Social Welfare Policy Analysis for Social Workers, 3rd Edition

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Table of Contents

Most chapters conclude with “Conclusion” and “Notes.”



1. The Policy-Based Profession.

The Target of Social Work—The Individual and Society.

Social Work's Pursuit of Professional Status.

The Policy-Based Profession.

Summary and Practice Implications.

2. Defining Social Welfare Policy.

Social Welfare Policy—Basic Definition.

Factors Complicating the Definition of Social Welfare Policy.

Social Welfare Policy—A Working Definition.


Policy Analysis Outline.

3. Social Welfare Policy Analysis: Basic Concepts.

The Many Meanings of Policy Analysis.

Methods of Policy Analysis.

Policy Analysis as Science, Art, and Politics.

4. Policy Analysis from an Historical Perspective.

Historical Context of Social Welfare Policies.

Methods of Policy History.

The Benton Park Crisis Center.

5. Social/Economic Analysis.

Delineation of the Policy Under Analysis.

Social Problem Analysis.

Facts Related to the Problem.

Theory of Human Behavior Undergirding the Policy.

Social Values Related to the Problem.

Goals of the Policy Under Analysis.

Hypotheses Underlying the Policy.

Economic Analysis.

6. Politics and Social Welfare Policy.

The Politics of Policy Making.

Models of Policy Making.


7. Fighting: Temporary Assistance to Needy Families.

Historical Analysis.

Social Analysis.

Economic Analysis.


8. Aging: Social Security as an Entitlement.

The Problem That Social Security Was Developed to Solve.

The Social Security Act of 1935.

Historical Development of Social Security Programs in the United States.

Contemporary Analysis of Social Security.

9. Mental Health: Managed Care.

The Problem That Managed Mental Health Care Was Developed to Solve.

Managed Mental Health Care.

The History of Managed Care.

The Economics of Managed Care.

Social Analysis of Managed Care.

The Political Context of Managed Care.

Social Workers and Managed Care.

Influencing the System.

Current Proposals for Policy Reform.

10. Substance Abuse Policies.

The Problem of Substance Abuse.

The History of Substance Abuse Policies.

Social and Economic Analysis of Substance Abuse Policies.

Political Analysis.

Analysis of Two Policies: Drug Tests for Welfare Clients and Separation of Treatment for Those Who Are Dually Diagnosed.

11. Child Welfare: Family Preservation Policy.

Historical Analysis.

Social Analysis.

Political Analysis.

Economic Analysis.

Policy/Program Evaluation.

Current Proposals for Policy Reform.

12. Conclusion.

Lessons from Policy Analysis.

Taking Action—Policy Practice for Social Workers.



DOWNLOAD Policy-Based Profession, The: An Introduction to Social Welfare Policy Analysis for Social Workers, 3rd Edition BY Philip R. Popple, University of Texas, Arlington Leslie Leighninger, Arizona State University Bank Test Questions

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Policy-Based Profession, The: An Introduction to Social Welfare Policy Analysis for Social Workers, 3rd Edition Bank Test Questions , Policy-Based Profession, The: An Introduction to Social Welfare Policy Analysis for Social Workers, 3rd Edition Textbook Solutions , Policy-Based Profession, The: An Introduction to Social Welfare Policy Analysis for Social Workers, 3rd Edition Textbook , Philip R. Popple, University of Texas, Arlington Leslie Leighninger, Arizona State University
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