jeudi 9 mai 2019

Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric, and Handbook, 3rd Edition Bank Test Questions

Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric, and Handbook, 3rd Edition

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Table of Contents

Thematic Contents.

Rhetorical Contents.



Getting the Most from Your Reading.

Active Reading.

Thanksgiving, Ellen Goodman.

Discussion of Active Reading.

Practicing Active Reading.

1. Between Generations.

The Ties That Bind, Michael Ventura.

Blue Spruce, Stephen Perry.

The Good Daughter Caroline Hwang.

The Only Child, John Leonard.

Ace in the Hole, John Updike.

Ignorance is Not Bliss, Eric Marcus.

Digging, Seamus Heaney.

Fetal Alcoholic Syndrome: A National Perspective, Michael Doris.

Your Place is Empty, Anne Tyler.

2. Between Genders.

Brave New Girls, Debbie Stoller.

A New Vision of Masculinity, Cooper Thompson.

Real Boys, William Pollack.

Yes, Families Are Changing—For the Better, Betty Holcomb.

The New Nostalgia, Rosalind C. Barnett and Caryl Rivers.

No Apologies Here, Martha Groves.

Men As Success Objects, Warren Farrell.

Who's Cheap?, Adair Lara.

A Work of Artifice, Marge Piercy.

Unwanted Sex, Stephen Shulhofer.

When a Woman Says No, Ellen Goodman.

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?, Joyce Carol Oats.

3. Between Culture.

Living in Two Worlds, Marcus Mabry.

Freedom from Choice, Brian A. Courtney.

Peaches, Reginald McKnight.

Why Does My Race Matter?, Yasmine Bahrani.

In Rooms of Women, Kim Edwards.

Crimes Against Humanity, Ward Churchill.

The Rage of the Black Middle Class, Sam Fulwood III.

On the Subway, Sharon Olds.

Proper Care and Maintenance, Susan Straight.

Los Vendidos, Luis Valdez.

4. Between Perceptions.

Living Under Circe's Spell, Matthew Soyster.

A Good Investment, Jerome Lee.

The Blind Always Come as Such a Surprise, Ted Kooser.

Discrimination at Large, Jennifer A. Coleman.

O.K., So I'm Fat, Neil Steinberg.

Bodily Harm, Pamela Erens.

The Body Myth, Rebecca Johnson.

Black Men and Public Space, Brent Staples.

Mr. Z, M. Carl Holman.

Passing, Joan Steinau Lester.

5. Between Values.

Remote Control: How to Raise a Media Skeptic, Susan Douglas.

But First, a Word from Our Sponsor, James B. Twitchell.

The Language of Advertising, Martin Stevens and Jeff Kluewer.

Truth vs. Advertising, California Department of Health Services.

Generation Wired, Helen Cordes.

Coke, Philip Dacey.

Youth Must Be Served—With Respect, Robin Swicord.

Making Media a Familiar Scapegoat, Howard Rosenberg.

The Lost While, Noelle Oxenhandler.

Solid Waste: Treasure in Trash, H. Patricia Hynes.

The NEXT Industrial Revolution, William McDonough and Michael Braungart.

The Have and the Have Nots, LynNell Hancock.

Get a Life?, Nicholas Negroponte.

Bigger, Jim Sollisch.

Three Ways of Meeting Oppression, Martin Luther King, Jr.


6. Getting Started…Now!

Short Assignments, Anne Lamott.

Analyzing Lamott's Purpose.

What's the Aim?…What's the Claim?

Analyzing Lamott's Strategy.

Prewriting as Discovery.


Practicing Freewriting.

Journal Writing.

Using a Journal for Active Reading.

Practicing Journal Writing.


Practicing Clustering.


Practicing Listing.

Active Reading.

Practicing Active Reading.

Group Brainstorming-Collaborative Learning.

Practicing Brainstorming in Small Groups.

Why Brainstorm?


Considering Audience.

Identifying Your Audience.

Practicing Style.

Analyzing Audience Awareness.

Why Stop Smoking? Let's Get Clinical, William F. Harrison.

Analyzing the Essay.

Practicing Audience Awareness.

A Final Word about Audience.

7. Organizing and Drafting an Essay.

From Prewriting to Purpose.

Purpose in Writing.

What's Your Aim?

What's Your Claim?

Developing a Thesis.

Recognizing a Thesis.

Changing the Thesis.

The "Missing" Thesis.

Positioning the Thesis.

Sample Thesis Statements.

Practicing Thesis Writing.

Critical Thinking and the "So What?" Response.

Supporting a Thesis.


Developing Support.


Working Thesis.

First Draft.

Evaluating the First Draft.

Revising the Thesis: What's your Aim?" What's Your Claim?

Writing an Outline.

Organizing to Highlight Key Points.

To Outline or Not to Outline

Ordering Ideas.

An Informal Outline.

Writing a Paragraph.

Focusing the Paragraph.

Practicing Topic Sentences.

Analyzing an Effective Paragraph.

Unifying the Paragraph.

Developing a Paragraph.

Using Sources to Support.

Using Photocopied Pages.

Giving Credit and Avoiding Plagiarism.

Incorporating Quoted Material.

The Sandwich as a Development Technique.

Practicing the "Sandwich".


Illustrating Paraphrasing.

Combining Paraphrase and Quotation.

Practicing Combining Paraphrase Quotation

8. Revising an Essay.

Rewriting and Rewriting.

Thinking Critically for an Audience.

Revising a Rough Draft.

Student Example: (Draft).

Revising Can Make the Difference.

A Checklist for Revising and Editing Papers.

Student Example: Final Essay.

Dieting Daze: No In-Between, Rachel Krell.

Rewriting for Coherence.

A Paragraph That Lacks Coherence.

Using Transitions.

Noticing Transitions.

Key Word Repetition.

Synonyms or Key Word Substitutions.


Transitions Between Paragraphs.

Avoiding Gaps.

Practicing Coherence.

Writing Introductions.

Introductions and Audience.

Types of Introductions.

A Final World on Introductions.

Writing Conclusions.

Final Tips for Writing Conclusions.

9. Methods for Developing Essays.

Combining Multiple Strategies.

Analyzing Mixed Methods.

Why This Analysis?


Organizing and Developing a Summary.

Student Example: A Summary.

A Summary of Three Ways of Dealing With Oppression, Chris Thomas.

Analyzing the Writer's Strategy.

Summary as Part of a Larger Assignment.

Final Tips for a Summary.


When to Use Narration.

Organizing and Developing a Narrative.

Brainstorming for a Subject.

Additional Prewriting.

From Brainstorming to Drafting a Paper.

Student Example: A Narrative.

A Bully's Unjust Deserts, Bruce Halling.

Analyzing the Writer's Strategy.

Practicing Writing Essays with Narration.

Final Tips for a Narrative.

Evaluative Response.

When to Write an Evaluative Response Essay.

Organizing and Developing and Evaluative Response Essay.

Student Example: An Evaluative Response Essay.

Thanksgiving Beyond the Cleaver Family, Marin Kheng.

Analyzing the Writer's Strategy.

Practicing Writing Definition Essays.

Final Tips for an Evaluative Response Essay.


When to Use Definition.

Organizing and Developing a Definition Essay.

The Purpose of Defining.

Example: An Essay Based on Definition.

"Concentration Camp" or "Relocation Center": What's in a Name?, James Hirabayashi.

Analyzing the Writer's Strategy.

Practicing Writing Definition Essays.

Final Tips for a Definition Essay.

Cause and Effect.

When to Use Cause-and-Effect Development.

Organizing and Developing a Cause-and-Effect Essay.

Drafting a Paper.

Example: A Cause-and-Effect Essay.

I Confess Some Envy, Robert McKelvey.

Analyzing the Writer's Strategy.

Practicing Writing Essays About Causes and Effects.

Final Tips For Cause and Effect Development.

Comparison and Contrast.

When to Use Comparison-Contrast Development.

Organizing and Developing a Comparison-Contrast Essay.

Which Method to Use: Block or Point by Point.

Example: A Comparison and Contrast Essay.

Reality Check, Alex Garcia.

Analyzing the Writer's Strategy.

Practicing Writing Essays that Use Comparison and Contrast.

Final Tips for Comparison and Contrast.


Arguments and Proposals.

When to Use Argument.

Audience and Argument.

Organizing and Developing an Argument.

Avoiding Logical Fallacies.

Conceding and Refuting.

Evaluating an Argument.

Student Example: An Argument Essay.

My Favorite School Class: Involuntary Servitude, Joe Goodwin.

Explanatory Notes for the Argument Essay.

Practicing Writing Argument Essays.

Final Tips for Argument.

Analysis of a Process, Problem, or Subject.

When to Use Analysis.

Analysis of a Process.

Brainstorming for a Topic.

Organizing and Developing a Process Analysis.

Practicing Process Analysis in Small Groups.

Example: A Process Analysis Essay.

Oh, What a Web We Weave, Walter Gajewski.

Analyzing the Writer's Strategy.

Practicing Writing a Process Analysis Essay.

Final Tips for a Process Analysis Essay.

Analysis of a Problem.

When to Use Problem Analysis.

Organizing and Developing a Problem Analysis Essay.

Example: A Problem Analysis Essay.

Don't Let Stereotypes Warp Your Judgements, Robert L. Heilbroner.

Analyzing the Writer's Strategy.

Practicing Writing a Problem Analysis Essay.

Final Tips for a Problem Analysis Essay.

Analysis of a Subject.

Brainstorming for a Topic.

When to Use Subject Analysis.

Essay Assignments for Subject Analysis.

Character and Poetry Analysis.

What is Character Analysis?

Organizing and Developing a Character Analysis Essay.

Prewriting for a Text-Based Character Study.

Listing Information from a Book.

Listing Information from a Short Story.

Arranging and Thesis Construciton.

Student Example: Character Analysis Essay.

Who Were You, Connie, And Why Did You Go?, Marianela Enriquez.

Analyzing the Writer's Strategy.

Practicing Writing a Character Analysis.

What is Poetry Analysis?

How to Actively Read a Poem.

Active Reading of a Poem.

Active Reading Discussed.

Student Example: Poetry Analysis.

Digging Deep, Jennifer Tabaldo.

Analyzing the Writer's Strategy.

Practicing Writing Poetry Analysis.

Final Tip for Poetry Analysis.

Writing an Essay Exam.

A Six-Step Strategy.

Key Words Used on Exams.

An Outline for an In-Class Essay.

Practicing Outlining for an In-Class Essay.

10. Writing the Research Paper.

Planning the Research Paper.

New Tools, New Choices.

Time Schedule for the Research Paper.

Gathering Library Material.

Getting Started.

Meeting the Librarian.

Finding Information.

Using Electronic Sources.

Using the Internet.

Keeping Track of Internet Sources.

The Abuse of Electronic Sources.

Evaluating Online Sources.

Using Traditional Methods.

Computer-Related Terms.

Sample Bibliography Cards.


Practice Finding the Errors.

Sample Note Cards.

Developing a Working Thesis.

Gathering Additional Information: The Interview.

Preparing for the Interview.

Conducting the Interview.

Writing up the Interview.

From Access to Acceptance: Enabling America's Largest Minority, Shannon Paaske.

Explanatory Notes for the Research Paper.

Documenting the Research Paper: MLA Style.

Writing Parenthetical Citations.

Preparing the Works-Cited Page.

Sample MLA Entries.

Organizing the Works Cited.

Documenting the Research Paper: APA Style.

Writing Parenthetical Citations.

Specific Examples of APA Form.

Preparing the References Page.

Sample APA Entries.


Editing Symbols.

11. Understanding How Sentences Work.


Noun as Subject.

Pronoun as Subject.

Compound Subject.


Direct Object.

Indirect Object.

Object of the Preposition.


Action Verbs.

State-of-Being Verbs.

Helping Verbs.

Adjectives and Adverbs.


Prepositional Phrases.

Verbal Phrases.


Independent Clauses.

Dependent Clauses.

Sentence Variation.

Simple Sentences.

Compound Sentences.

Complex Sentences.

Compound-Complex Sentences.

Practicing Sentence Variation.

12. Understanding Common Errors.


Run-on or Fused Sentences.

Comma Splice.

Correcting Run-on Sentences.

Conjunctive Adverbs.

Style and Meaning.

Pronoun Reference Agreement.

Subject-Verb Agreement.


Shifts in Person and Number.

Shifts in Verb Tense.

Shifts in Voice.

Mixed Sentences.

Confused Sentence Parts.

Faulty Verb Choice.

Misplaced (and Dangling) Modifiers.

Faulty Parallelism.

Single Words.


Dependent Clauses.

Independent Clauses.

13. Understanding Punctuation.

The Comma.

The Apostrophe.



The Period, Question Mark, and Exclamation Point.

The Semicolon.

The Colon.

The Dash.

Quotation Marks.

The Ellipsis.



The Slash.

The Hyphen.

14.Understanding Faulty Word Choice.


Slang, Jargon, and Colloquial Words.

Archaic Words, Euphemisms, and Pretentious Words.


15. Understanding Commonly Confused.

Commonly Confused Words.


Author Index.

Subject and Title Index.

DOWNLOAD Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric, and Handbook, 3rd Edition BY Susan Bachmann, El Camino College Melinda Barth, El Camino College Bank Test Questions

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Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric, and Handbook, 3rd Edition Bank Test Questions , Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric, and Handbook, 3rd Edition Textbook Solutions , Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric, and Handbook, 3rd Edition Textbook , Susan Bachmann, El Camino College Melinda Barth, El Camino College
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