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DETAILED TABLE OF Chapter One Identifying and Serving Students with Behavior Problems Outline Objectives Come into My Classroom: A Case Study Introduction Positive Behavior Support and Response to Intervention Legislation Affecting Student Behavior Problem Behavior or Emotional and Behavioral Disorder? Identifying Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Summary Discussion/Application Ideas Notes References CHAPTER 2 SCHOOL-WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT Outline Objectives Come into My Classroom: A Case Study What is SWPBS? A “Snapshot” of SWPBS Three Tiers of Prevention Critical Features of SWPBS How do You Implement the Primary Tier of SWPBS? 1. Establish a School-Wide Team 2. Identify Coaches 3. Engage in Activities to Meet Readiness Requirements 4. Participate in Professional Development 5. Identify Key Outcomes and Develop an Action Plan 6. Adopt and Develop Products to Implement and Monitor Evidence-Based Practices 7. Invest in Systems to Support Staff 8. Roll-Out SWPBS 9. Collect Data to Make Decisions Come into My Classroom: A Case Study (Part Two) Secondary Tier Interventions Tertiary Tier Interventions Come into My Classroom: A Case Study (Part Three) Secondary Tier Interventions at Suner Middle School Tertiary Tier Interventions at Suner Middle School The Impact of Implementing Secondary and Tertiary Tier Supports at Suner Middle School What are the Outcomes of SWPBS? Evidence Supporting Primary Tier Interventions Evidence Supporting Secondary Tier Interventions Evidence Supporting Tertiary Tier Interventions Summary Discussion/Application Ideas References CHAPTER 4 Assessment-Based Intervention Planning Outline Objectives Come into My Classroom: A Case Study Introduction The Assessment Process Identifying Problem Behavior Step 1: Assess the Student’s Behavior Step 2: Propose a Hypothesis Step 3: Assess the Validity of the Hypothesis Step 4: Design an Intervention Step 5: Collect Data on Intervention Effectiveness and Adjust the Plan as Needed Step 6: Write Long- and Short-Term Objectives Summary Discussion/Application Ideas References CHAPTER 5 MONITORING STUDENT PROGRESS Outline Objectives Come into My Classroom: A Case Study The Effects of Teaching a Student to Self-Monitor Behavior Introduction Overview of Measurement in the Classroom Discussion/Application Ideas References CHAPTER 6 Evaluating Intervention Effects Outline Objectives Come into My Classroom: A Case Study Introduction Graphing and Charting Student Performance The Role of Formative Evaluation in Monitoring Student Performance Graph or Chart? Types of Graphs and Charts Autographing Formats Guidelines for Graph or Chart Construction Data-Based Decision Making Single Subject Research Designs Discussion/Application Ideas References Chapter 7 CLASSROOM-WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT Outline Objectives Come into My Classroom: A Case Study Evidence-Based Practices: The Foundation of Classroom PBS Create a Classroom Community Maximize Structure and Predictability Post, Teach, Monitor, and Reinforce Expectations Rules Contingent Praise Precorrection Using Prompts and Cues Come Into My Classroom: Part 3 Monitor and Reinforce Expectations Come Into My Classroom: Part 4 Actively Engage Students in Observable Ways Rate of Opportunities to Respond (OTR) Come Into My Classroom: Part 5 Summary Discussion/Application Ideas References CHAPTER 8 ADDRESSING DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIORS Outline Objectives Come into My Classroom: A Case Study Making Decisions About Interventions Teacher-Mediated Interventions Summary Discussion/Application Ideas References CHAPTER 9 ADDRESSING AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIORS Outline Objectives Come into My Classroom: A Case Study Introduction Functional Behavioral Assessment of Aggression Assessing Social Competence Check In Check Out Intensive Strategies for Arousal-Heightening Interpretation of External Stimuli Intensive Strategies for Heightened Affective Arousal Come Into My Classroom (Part 3) Intensive Strategies for Ineffective Communications/Social Skills Intensive Strategies for Students Who Exhibit Prosocial Value Deficits Intensive Strategies for Cognitive and Academic Skill Deficits Crisis Interventions Discussion/Application Ideas References CHAPTER 10 DEVELOPING ALTERNATIVES TO SELF-STIMULATORY AND SELF-INJURIOUS BEHAVIOR Outline Objectives Come into My Classroom: A Case Study Introduction Self-Stimulatory Behavior Self-Injurious Behaviors SSB, SIB, and Functional Relations Motivative Operations Assessment of SSB Intervention Strategies for SSB Assessment of SIB Intervention Strategies for SIB Skill Acquisition How do you Teach Learning Skills? What is Verbal Behavior? How do you Teach Verbal Behavior? Worthy Care and Performance Management Discussion/Application Ideas References CHAPTER 11 SUPPORTING STUDENTS WITH PSYCHIATRIC AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROBLEMS Outline Objectives Come into My Classroom: A Case Study Introduction Identifying Psychiatric Problems Gathering Initial Information Student Support Services Mood Disorders: Major Depression and Dysthymia Come Into My Classroom: A Case Study Mood Disorder: Bipolar Disorder Anxiety Disorders Come Into My Classroom: A Case Study Come Into My Classroom: A Case Study School Refusal Eating Disorders Come Into My Classroom: A Case Study Substance Abuse Attempting Suicide Summary Discussion/Application Ideas References CHAPTER 12 Extending Intervention Effects Outline Objectives Come into My Classroom: A Case Study Introduction Principles of Maintenance and Generalization Transition Planning <H2>Transitions to Less Restrictive Educational Settings Transitions to Other Settings Family/Community Involvement Common Features of a System of Care and Evidence-Based Practices Working within the Building Working with Families Working with Community Professionals and Agencies Summary Discussion/Application Ideas Notes References Table of Contents
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