mercredi 6 mars 2019

How English Works: A Linguistic Introduction, 2nd Edition Bank Test Questions

How English Works: A Linguistic Introduction, 2nd Edition

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Table of Contents

Detailed Contents

Inside Front Cover       Consonant Phonemes of English, Vowel Phonemes  of English, Phonetic Alphabet for American English

Inside Back Cover        Brief Timeline for the History of the English Language

List of Symbols, Linguistic  Conventions, and Common  Abbreviations xviii

Preface to Instructors xxiii

Letter to Students xxix


Chapter 1    A Language like English  1

The Story of Aks  2

Language, Language Everywhere  4

The Power of Language  4

Name Calling  5

Judging by Ear  5

A Question to Discuss: What Makes Us Hear an Accent?  6

The System of Language  7

Arbitrariness and Systematicity  8

A Scholar to Know: Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913)   9

Creativity  10

Grammar  11

Linguistics  12

Human Language versus Animal Communication  13

Birds and Bees  14

Chimps and Bonobos  15

Distinctive Characteristics of Human Language  18

The Process of Language Change  20

Language Genealogies  20

A Question to Discuss: Do Languages Have Families?  23

Mechanics of Language Change  23

Progress or Decay?   24

Attitudes about Language Change  25

Special Focus: Evolution of Human Language  26

Summary  30

Suggested Reading  30

Exercises  31


Chapter 2 Language and Authority  35

Who Is in Control?   36

Language Academies  36

Language Mavens  37

A Question to Discuss: Does the SAT Know Good Grammar from Bad?  39

Defining Standard English  40

Descriptive versus Prescriptive Grammar Rules  42

Case Study One: Double Negatives  43

Case Study Two: Ain’t  43

Case Study Three: Who and Whom  44

The Status of Prescriptive Rules  45

Spoken versus Written Language  46

A Question to Discuss: Which Is More Permanent, the Written or Spoken Word?  46

Language and Society: Are We Losing Our Memories?  48

Dictionaries of English  48

The Earliest Dictionaries of English  48

The Beginnings of Modern Lexicography  49

Historical Lexicography  50

American Lexicography  51

A Question to Discuss: Should Dictionaries Ever Prescribe?  53

English Grammar, Usage, and Style  54

The Earliest Usage Books  54

Prescriptive versus Descriptive Tendencies in Grammars of English  54

Modern Approaches to English Usage  56

Special Focus: Corpus Linguistics  57

Origins of Corpus Linguistics  58

Corpus Linguistics in the Twenty-first Century  59

Summary  62

Suggested Reading  62

Exercises  63


Chapter 3 English Phonology  67

Phonetics and Phonology  68

The Anatomy of Speech  70

The International Phonetic Alphabet  72

English Consonants  73

Stops  74

Fricatives  75

Language Change at Work: Is /h/ Disappearing from English?  76

Affricates  73

A Question to Discuss: Does English Have Initial /Z/?  73

Language Change at Work: Who Drops Their g’s?  77

Nasals  77

Liquids and Glides  77

Syllabic Consonants 78

English Vowels  79

Front Vowels  79

Back Vowels  80

Central Vowels  80

Diphthongs  81

Language Change at Work: The cot/caught and pin/pen Mergers  81

Natural Classes  82

Phonemes and Allophones  82

Sample Allophones  84

Minimal Pairs  85

Phonological Rules  86

Assimilation  86

Deletion  87

Insertion  87

Metathesis  87

Language Change at Work: Is larynx Undergoing Metathesis?  88

Syllables and Phonotactic Constraints  88

Perception of Sound  89

Special Focus: History of English Spelling  92

Should English Spelling Be Reformed?   94

Summary  95

Suggested Reading  95

Exercises  96


Chapter 4 English Morphology  104

Morphology  105

Open and Closed Classes of Morphemes  106

A Question to Discuss: Exceptions to the Closedness of Closed Classes?  108

Bound and Free Morphemes  110

Language Change at Work: Bound Morphemes Becoming Free  110

Inflectional and Derivational Bound Morphemes  111

Inflectional Morphemes  111

Derivational Morphemes  112

Language Change at Work: The Origins of Inflectional -s  112

Affixes and Combining Forms  113

Morphology Trees  114

A Question to Discuss: What about Complex Words That Seem to Have Only One Morpheme?  116

Ways of Forming English Words  116

Combining  117

Shortening  118

A Question to Discuss: Is It Clipping or Backformation?  119

Language Change at Work: Alice in Wonderland and the Portmanteau  120

Blending  120

Shifting  120

Language Change at Work: Success Rates for New Words  121

Reanalysis, Eggcorns, and Folk Etymology  121 

Reduplication  122 

Frequency of Different Word-Formation Processes  123

Borrowing and the Multicultural Vocabulary of English  123

A Question to Discuss: What’s Wrong with amorality? 125

Special Focus: Slang and Creativity  126

Summary  128

Suggested Reading  129

Exercises  129


Chapter 5 English Syntax: The Grammar of Words  134

Syntax and Lexical Categories  135

Open-Class Lexical Categories  137

Nouns  137

Adjectives  139

Language Change at Work: Is It fish or fishes, oxen or oxes  140

A Question to Discuss: Am I Good or Well?  141

Verbs  142

A Question to Discuss: Did I Lie Down or Lay Down?  148

Adverbs  149

A Question to Discuss: If I Do Badly, Why Don’t I Run Fastly?  150

Closed-Class Lexical Categories  151

Prepositions  151

Conjunctions  152

A Question to Discuss: What Is the up in call up? 152

Pronouns  153

Complementizers  155

Language Change at Work: Himself, Hisself, Hisownself  155

Determiners  156

Auxiliary Verbs  157

Challenges to Categorization  159

The Suffix -ing  159

Noun Modifiers  160

Yes and No  160

A Question to Discuss:  What Can Phonology Reveal about Modifying -ing Forms?  160

Special Focus: Descriptive Syntax and Prescriptive Rules  161

Hopefully  161

Split Infinitive  162

Sentence-Final Prepositions  162

Its/It’s  163

Singular Generic They 163

Summary  164

Suggested Reading  165

Exercises  165


Chapter 6   English Syntax: Phrases, Clauses, and Sentences  171

Generative Grammar  172

Universal Grammar  174

A Scholar to Know: Noam Chomsky (1928– )  175

Constituents and Hierarchies  175

Constituent Hierarchies  176

Clauses and Sentences  176

Constituency Tests  177

Phrase Structure Rules  179

Form and Function  181

Clause Types  181

Basic Phrase Structure Trees  183

Complex Phrase Structure Trees  187

Adverbial Clauses  188

Relative Clauses  188

Language Change at Work: Which Is It, Which or That?  190

Complementizer Clauses  191

Reduced Subordinate Clauses  192

Infinitive Phrases  192

Gerund and Participial Phrases  193

Tense and Auxiliaries  194

A Question to Discuss: What Is the It in “It Is Raining”?  195

Transformations  195

Wh-Questions  196

Negation  196

Yes-No Questions  197

Tag Questions  198

Passive Constructions  198

A Question to Discuss: How Did This Passive Sentence Get Constructed?  199

Relative Pronoun Deletion  199

Phrasal Verb Particle Movement  200

Does Generative Grammar Succeed?  201

Special Focus: Syntax and Prescriptive Grammar  203

Sentence Fragments and Run-on Sentences  203

Colons, Semicolons, and Comma Splices  204

Dangling Participles  205

Summary  206

Suggested Reading  207

Exercises  207


Chapter 7 Semantics  214

Semantics  215

The Limits of Reference  217

The Role of Cognition  217

The Role of Linguistic Context  218

A Question to Discuss: How Do Function Words Mean?  218

The Role of Physical and Cultural Context  219

Language Change at Work: The Formation of Idioms  212

A Brief History of Theories of Reference  220

Deixis  220

Plato and Forms  221

Repairing Plato  221

From Reference to Discourse  222

From Reference to Translation  223

Componential Analysis  224

Lexical Fields  224

Hyponym to Homonym (and Other Nyms)  226

Hyponymy  226

Meronymy  227

Synonymy  228

Antonymy  228

Homonymy  229

A Question to Discuss: Does the Thesaurus Have a Bad Name?  230

Organization of the Mental Lexicon  230

Prototype Semantics  232

Lexical Prototype Semantics  232

Analogical Mapping  233

Conceptual Metaphor  233

The Intersection of Semantics, Syntax, and Discourse  234

Projection Rules  234

Thematic Roles  235

How Sentences Mean  236

Sentences and Context  236

Processes of Semantic Change  237

Generalization and Specialization  237

Metaphorical Extension  240

Euphemism and Dysphemism  240

Pejoration and Amelioration  241

Linguistic Relativity  242

Special Focus: Politically Correct Language  245

Summary  247

Suggested Reading  247

Exercises  248


Chapter 8 Spoken Discourse  251

Defining Discourse Analysis  252

Speech Act Theory: Accomplishing Things with Words  253

Scholars to Know: J. L. Austin (1911–1960) and John Searle (1932– )  254

Components of Speech Acts  252

Direct and Indirect Speech Acts  256

Performative Speech Acts  257

Evaluating Speech Act Theory  259

The Cooperative Principle: Successfully Exchanging Information  260

Conversational Maxims  261

A Scholar to Know: Robin Tolmach Lakoff (1942-)  262

Conversational Implicature  262

A Question to Discuss: Entailment and Implicature  263

Relevance  264

Politeness and Face: Negotiating Relationships in Speaking  266

Positive and Negative Politeness and Face  266

Face-Threatening Acts  267

A Question: A Question to Discuss: How Do Compliments Work?  268

Discourse Markers: Signaling Discourse Organization  and Authority  269

Function of Discourse Markers  269

Language Change at Work: fDiscourse Markers rom Beowulf to Dude  270

Types of Discourse Markers  270

Language Change at Work: Like, I Was Like, What Is Going On with the Word Like?  271

Conversation Analysis: Taking Turns and the Conversational  Floor  272

Structure of Conversation  273

Turn-Taking  274

Turn-Taking Violations  275

Maintenance and Repair  276

Style Shifting: Negotiating Social Meaning  277

Indexical Meaning  277

Style and Creativity  278

Special Focus: Do Men and Women Speak Differently?  280

Early Language and Gender Research  281

Different Models for Gender Difference  282

Queer Sociolinguistics  283

Language and Identity  283

Summary  284

Suggested Reading  284

Exercises  285


Chapter 9  Stylistics  291

Stylistics  295

Systematicity and Choice  295

The World of Texts: Genres and Registers  296

Variation among Text Types  298

Which Comes First?  298

Textual Unity: Cohesion  300

Elements of Cohesion  300

Cohesion at Work  303

Telling Stories: The Structure of Narratives  303

The Components of a Narrative  305

Investigating Speakers and Perspective  307

Varieties of Perspective  308

Speech: Direct and Indirect  309

Investigating Actions  310

Types of Action  310

Action at Work  312

Investigating Word Choice  313

Diction  313

Metaphor  314

Modality 315

Language Variation at Work: Literary Forensics  316

Rhythm and Rhyme in Poetry  317

Poeticity and Its Axes  317

A Scholar to Know: Roman Jakobson (1896–1982)   318

Meter, Rhythm, and Scansion  319

Prosody and Verse Structure  320

Sound, Meaning, and Poetic Technique  321

A Question to Discuss: What Makes the Tongue Twist?  321

Language Change at Work: Hip Hop Rhymes  322

Special Focus: What Makes “Good Writing”?  323

Summary  324

Suggested Reading  325

Exercises  325


Chapter 10 Language Acquisition  339

Theories about Children’s Language Acquisition  330

Imitation versus Instinct  331

Noam Chomsky and Universal Grammar  332

Debates about Language “Hard Wiring”  333

Language and the Brain  333

Children Learning Sounds  335

Language Acquisition Tests  336

Acquisition of Phonemic Differences  337

Children Learning Words  338

Babbling and First Words  338

Language Acquisition at Work: Imitating Faces  340

Language Acquisition at Work: Deaf Children Learning ASL  342

Acquisition of Words and Word Meaning  334

A Question to Discuss: Why Do We Talk with Our Hands?  343

Aquistion of Words and Word Meaning  345

Children Learning Grammar  346

Patterns of Children’s Errors  346

Acquisition of Complex Grammatical Constructions  48

The Role of Parents in Language Acquisition  348

Features of Parentese  349

Role of Parentese  350

Language Acquisition in Special Circumstances  350

Pidgins and Creoles  350

Nicaraguan Sign Language  351

Critical Age Hypothesis  352

Critical Periods  353

A Case Study: Genie  353

Acquisition of Languages Later in Life  354

When Things Go Wrong  355

Broca’s Aphasia  355

Language Variation at Work: Verbal Slips  357

Wernicke’s Aphasia  358

Dyslexia  358

Special Focus: Children and Bilingualism  360

Children Learning Two Languages  360

Bilingual Education Programs  361

Summary  362

Suggested Reading  363

Exercises  363


Chapter 11 Language Variation  366

Dialect  367

Dialects versus Languages  369

Standard and Nonstandard Dialects  369

A Question to Discuss: Is American English a Dialect or a Language?  370

Dialectology  371

Variationist Sociolinguistics  373

Language Change at Work: Pop versus Soda  374

William Labov’s Research  376

Sociolinguistics versus Generative Grammar  376

A Scholar to Know: William Labov (1927– )  377

Speech Communities and Communities of Practice  377

Variationist Sociolinguistic Methodologies  378

Sampling  378

Soliciting Language  379

Analyzing Results  380

Ethical Issues  382

A Question to Discuss: Should We Preserve Dialects?  383

Major Factors in Language Variation within Speech Communities  384

Age  384

Gender  384

Class  386

Race and Ethnicity  388

Social Networks  389

Effects of Language Contact  389

Dialect Contact  389

Language Contact  390

Pidgins and Creoles  390

Speaker Attitudes and Language Variation  392

A Question to Discuss: What Does “Linguistic Equality” Mean?  395

Summary  398

Suggested Reading  398

Exercises  399


Chapter 12 American Dialects  401

The Politics of American Dialects  402

Speakers Who Control Multiple Dialects  403

Judgments and Humor about Dialects  403

Dialect Diversity and National Unity  404

Language Change at Work: The Inconsistency of Language Attitudes  405

Regional Variation  406

A Sample Walk  406

Language Change at Work: Why Does Unless Mean 'in case' in Pennsylvania?  408

Defining Regions  410

The Emergence of Regional Dialects  410

Retention  411

Naturally Occurring Internal Language Change  411

Language Change at Work: Regional Food Terms  412

Language Contact  413

Coining  413

Language Change at Work: A Dragonfly by Any Other Name  414

Social Factors  414

The History of Regional Dialects in the United States  415

The Beginnings of American English  415

The Northern Dialect Region  416

The Southern Dialect Region  416

The Midland Dialect Region  417

The Western Dialect Region  418

Dialects within Dialect Regions  419

Two Case Studies of Regional Variation  421

Appalachian English  421 

Language Change at Work: Jack, Will, and Jenny in the Swamp  424

California English   425

Social Variation  427

Slang and Jargon versus Dialects  427

Social Dialects  428

Two Case Studies of Social Variation  429

Chicano English  429

African American English  430

Special Focus: The Ebonics Controversy 434

A Scholar to Know: Geneva Smitherman (1940-)  437

Summary  438

Suggested Reading  438

Exercises  439


Chapter 13 History of English: Old to Early Modern English  443

Old English (449–1066): History of Its Speakers  444

When Did English Begin?  444

Which Germanic Dialect Is “Old English”?  445

Language Change at Work: How English Was Written Down  447

Where Do the Names English and England Originate?  448

Old English Lexicon  448

Latin Borrowing  449

Old Norse Borrowing  451

Native English Word Formation  451

Old English Grammar  452

The Origins of Modern English Noun Inflections  452

The Gender of Things  453

The Familiarity of Personal Pronouns  453

The Many Faces of Modifiers  454

The Origins of Some Modern English Irregular Verbs  455

Variation in Word Order  456

Middle English (1066–1476): History of Its Speakers  457

The Norman Conquest  457

A Scholar to Know: J. R. R. Tolkien the Philologist  458

The Renewal of English  458

The Emergence of a Standard  459

Middle English Dialects  460

The Middle English Lexicon  462

French Borrowing  462

Latin Borrowing  463

Other Borrowing  463

Word Formation Processes  464

Middle English Grammar  464

The Loss of Inflections and Its Effects  465

The Inflections That Survive  465

Early Modern English (1476–1776): History of Its Speakers  466

The Printing Press  466

Attitudes about English  467

The Study of English  469

A Question to Discuss: How Do We Preserve the Evidence of a Language?  470

Early Modern English Lexicon  471

Greek and Latin Borrowing  472

Romance Borrowing  472

Semantic Change in the Native Lexicon  472

Affixation  473

Early Modern English Grammar  474

Older Grammatical Retentions  474

Developments in Morphosyntax  474

Language Change at Work: The Invention of pea  475

The Fate of Final-e  475

Language Change at Work: The Great Vowel Shift  476

Looking Ahead  476

Suggested Reading  477

Exercises  478


Chapter 14 History of English: Modern and Future  English  484

Modern English (1776–Present): Social Forces at Work  485

Prescription and the Standard Variety  485

The Media  486

Imperialism  488

Globalization  489

Language Change at Work: The Debated Origins of O.K.  489

Modern English: Language Change in Progress  490

Word Formation  491

Lexical Borrowing  492

Phonological Changes  492

Grammatical Changes  493

A Question to Discuss: “Hey, You Guys, Is This Grammaticalization?”  494

The Status of English in the United States  495

Language Variation at Work: The Myth of the “German Vote” in 1776  496

A Question to Discuss: Official State Languages  497

The Status of English around the World  498

The Meaning of a “Global Language”  501

English as a Global Language  494

World Englishes  503

The Future of English as a Global Language  505

What Happens after Modern English?  507

Language Change at Work: Retronymy and Reduplication  508

English and the Internet  509

Suggested Readings  513

Exercises  514

Glossary  517

Bibliography  543

Credits  557

Index  560



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