samedi 9 mars 2019

Course for Teaching English Learners, A, 2nd Edition Bank Test Questions

Course for Teaching English Learners, A, 2nd Edition

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Category : Higher Education

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Table of Contents


Part One: Teaching English to English Learners

Introduction: Teaching English Learners

    English Learners in U.S. Schools

    English Learners around the World

    The Professional Preparation of Teachers to Educate English Learners

Chapter One: Language Structure and Use

    Ah, Language!

    Language Universals

    Phonology: The Sound Patterns of Language

    Morphology: The Words of Language

    Syntax: The Sentence Patterns of Language

    Semantics: The Meanings of Language

    Language Functions


    Pragmatics: The Influence of Context

    Dialects and Language Variation

Chapter Two: First- and Second-Language Development and Their Relationship to Academic Achievement

    Processes and Stages of Language Acquisition

    Theories and Models of Second-Language Acquisition

    Factors That Influence Second-Language Acquisition

Part Two: Assessment and Instruction

Chapter Three: Assessment of English Learners

    Principles of Standards-Based Assessment and Instruction

    Role, Purposes, and Types of Assessment

    Language and Content Area Assessment

    Special Issues in Assessment

Chapter Four: Programs for English Learners

    The History of Multilingual Competency in the United States

    Federal and State Requirements for ELD Services

    The Politics of Bilingual Education

    Empowerment Issues Related to English Learners

    Equity and Policy Issues Related to English Learners

    Components of ELD Programs

    English Language Development and Academic Instruction

    Parental Rights and Communicating with Families

Chapter Five: English Language Development, Lesson Planning, and Specially Designed Content Instruction in English

    Differentiated Instructional Delivery in the Content Domains  

    Instructional Needs Beyond the Classroom  

    Instructional Planning and Organization for ELD and SDAIE

    Teaching with SDAIE Strategies

    Effective Resource Use in ELD and SDAIE

    Teacher Commitment

Chapter Six: English Language Development

    The Focus on Communicative Interaction

    The Role of Grammar

    Content-Based English Language Development

    Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills

Chapter Seven: English Language Literacy Development

Part Three: Culture and Inclusion

Chapter Eight: Culture and Cultural Diversity and Their Relationship to Academic Achievement

    Cultural Concepts and Perspectives

    Cultural Contact

    Cultural Diversity in the United States and California

    Intercultural Communication

    Investigating Ourselves as Cultural Beings

Chapter Nine: Culturally Inclusive Instruction

    The Role of Culture in the Classroom and School

    Educating Students about Diversity

    Learning about Students' Cultures

    Cultrually Inclusive Learning Environments

    Family and Community Involvement


Name Index

Subject Index



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Course for Teaching English Learners, A, 2nd Edition Bank Test Questions , Course for Teaching English Learners, A, 2nd Edition Textbook Solutions , Course for Teaching English Learners, A, 2nd Edition Textbook , Lynne T. Diaz-Rico, California State University, San Bernardino
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