mercredi 6 mars 2019

Contemporary Reader, The, 9th Edition Bank Test Questions

Contemporary Reader, The, 9th Edition

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Table of Contents

Preface  xxv


Introduction: How to Read and Write Critically

What Is Critical Thinking?

Why Read Critically?

How to Read Critically


Now Cut that Out! John Leo

Keep a Journal on What You Read

Annotate What You Read

Outline What You Read

Summarize What You Read 

Question What You Read

Analyze What You Read


What Is Critical Thinking?

Developing Ideas 


Narrowing the Topic 

Identifying Your Audience 

Developing a Thesis 

Understanding Your Paper’s Objective


 Selecting Sources for Your Paper

Documenting Sources 

Organizing Your Paper

Drafting Your Essay

Writing Your Introduction

Developing Paragraphs and Making Transitions

Concluding Well

Editing and Revising

Using Active Voice

Grammar and Punctuation

Proofreading Effectively

Approaching Visuals Critically 

Images and Advertising 

Altoids Ad 

Deciphering Editorial Cartoons 

Cloning Cartoon 


Chapter 1: Fashion and Flesh: The Images We Project

The Media Assault on Male Body Image, Brandon Keim

Never Too Buff, John Cloud

Culture Shock: Mr. Universe 

Culture Shock: Superheroes 

What I Think About the Fashion World, Liz Jones

Culture Shock: Get Real Ad

The Natural Beauty Myth, Garance Franke-Ruta

Weighing In, Sandra Hurtes

My Hips, My Caderas, Alisa Valdes

Reading the Blog: Eating Disorders: The Numbers 

Weight of the World, Niranjana Iyer

A Man’s Guide to Slimming Couture, Scott McKeen

Culture Shock: Norbit

Why Do We Get to Laugh at Fat Guys? Catherine Lawson


Chapter: 2 Consumer Nation: Wanting It, Selling It

Shop ‘til We Drop? Robert J. Samuelson

Targeting a New World, Joseph Turow

What’s Wrong with Cinderella? Peggy Orenstein

Lunchbox Hegemony, Dan Cook

Which One of These Sneakers Is Me? Douglas Rushkoff

Culture Shock: Cartoon

Branded World: The Success of the Nike Logo, Michael Levine

Culture Shock: A Portfolio of Advertisements




Kenneth Cole


Apple IPod Nano


Absolute on Ice

Lux Populi, James B. Twitchell

With These Words, I Can Sell You Anything, William Lutz

The Language of Advertising, Charles A. O’Neill


Chapter: 3 It’s All Relative: The American Family in Flux

Family: Idea, Institution, and Controversy, Betty G. Farrell

Numbers Drop for the Married-with-Children, Blaine Harden

The Decline of Marriage, James Q. Wilson

Culture Shock: Marriage Trends in the United States

For Better, For Worse, Stephanie Coontz

The Cultural Devaluation of Child Rearing, David Popenoe and Barbara Dafoe Whitehead

Did I Miss Something? Lowell Putnam

A New Generation Is Leading the Way, Donna Jackson Nakazawa

Culture Shock: God-Ordained Marriage

Why the “M” Word Matters to Me, Andrew Sullivan

Culture Shock: Cartoon

The Case Against Same Sex Marriage, Margaret A. Somerville

Reading the Blog: A Really, Really, Really Long Post about Gay Marriage . . .


Chapter 4: Remote Control: Television’s Influence

Can TV Improve Us? Jane Rosenzweig

Television Addiction is No Mere Metaphor, Robert Kubey and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Overexposure of Violence in Our Society, David Mullens

Culture Shock: Turn Off Your TV Week

The Myth of Media Violence, Andrew O’Hehir

TV’s War of Words, Deborah Tannen

Born Again, Rebecca Raber

The Great TV Debate, Jason Kelly

Three Cheers for Reality TV, Heather Havrilesky

The Collapse of Big Media: The Young and The Restless, David T. Z. Mindich

AAP Discourages Television for Very Young Children, American Academy of Pediatrics

TV Can Be a Good Parent, Ariel Gore


Chapter 5: Climate Control? The Global Warming Debate

Global Warming: Who Loses–and Who Wins? Gregg Easterbrook

Global Warming is an Immediate Crisis, Al Gore

Culture Shock: An Inconvenient Truth

Don’t Believe the Hype, Richard S. Lindzen

Reading the Blog: Please Stop Talking About the Global Warming Consensus

Global Warming Heats Up, Jeffrey Kluger

Culture Shock: Earth’s Before and After Pics

Global Warming: A Divide on Causes and Solutions, Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

No Change in Political Climate, Ellen Goodman

On Comparing Global Warming Denial to Holocaust Denial, Dennis Prager


Chapter: 6 Sexual Politics: Diving into the Gender Gap

My Most Attractive Adversary, Madeleine Begun Kane

Male Bashing on TV, Michael Abernethy

Culture Shock: Men’s Fault Magazine

The Men We Carry in Our Minds, Scott Russell Sanders

Girls, We Really Are Our Own Worst Enemies, Lyz Baranowski

In Search of Notorious PhDs, Lindsay Johns

Culture Shock: 50 Cent

The End of Herstory, Kay S. Hymowitz

Reading the Blog: A Thursday Musing on Anti-Feminist Young Women

The Science of Difference, Steven Pinker

Culture Shock: Annika Sorenstam Has Another Remarkable Year For A Lady

An Identity Reduced to a Burka, Semeen Issa and Laila Al-Marayati

Many Women at Elite Colleges Set Career Path to Motherhood, Louise Story

Homeward Bound, Linda Hirshman

The Year of Domesticity, David Brooks


Chapter 7: The University System: Are We Making the Grade?

How to Get a College Education, Jeffrey Hart

A’s for Everyone! Alicia C. Shepard

Culture Shock: Cartoon

Would Shakespeare Get into Swarthmore? John Katzman, Andy Lutz, and Erik Olson

America’s Top University, Stanley N. Katz

College Makeover, S. Georgia Nugent

Who Should Get into College? John H. McWhorter

What’s Wrong with Vocational School? Charles Murray

Higher Ed, Inc., James B. Twitchell

A Real Education, Christina Asquith

Reading the Blog: Does College Matter?

Regulating Racist Speech on Campus, Charles R. Lawrence III

Muzzling Free Speech, Harvey A. Silverglate


Chapter 8: Race and Racism: Can We Be Color-Blind?

Inequality, Race, and Remedy, Alan Jenkins

People Like Us, David Brooks

Culture Shock: Class and Race in America: The Legacy of Hurricane Katrina

Are You a Terrorist, or Do You Play One on TV? Laura Fokkena

Racial Profiling Goes Beyond Black and White, Sasha Polakow-Suransky

In Defense of 24, Emilio Karim Dabul

Please Ask Me “Who,” Not “What,” I Am, Jordan Lite

Getting Under My Skin, Don Terry

Why I’m Black, Not African American, John H. McWhorter

You Have the Right to Remain a Target of Racial Profiling, Eugene Robinson

The Racial Profiling Myth Lives On, Steve Chapman


Chapter 9: The Immigration Debate: No More Melting Pot?

Forging a New Vision of America’s Melting Pot, Gregory Rodriguez

Do We Want Mexifornia? Victor Davis Hanson

Culture Shock: Immigrant Children

Can We Still Afford to Be a Nation of Immigrants? David M. Kennedy

Reading the Blog: Immigration Issue Explodes

Culture Shock: Anti-Immigration Rally

Educating Illegal Immigrants, Todd Rosenbaum

Immigration Quotas vs. Individual Rights: The Moral and Practical Case for Open Immigration? Harry Binswanger

Culture Shock: U.S. Census Map

The Next Americans, Tomás R. Jiménez

A Nation Divided by One Language, James Crawford

My Spanish Standoff, Gabriella Kuntz




Rhetorical Contents


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