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Assessment of Children and Youth with Special Needs, 3rd Edition Bank Test Questions

Assessment of Children and Youth with Special Needs, 3rd Edition

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Table of Contents

Each chapter begins with "Chapter Objectives," "Key Terms," and "Overview" and concludes with "Summary" and "References."


1. Foundations of Assessment.


            Why Do Teachers Assess?

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) of 2004

            Who is Eligible for Special Education?

            Response to Intervention (RTI). 

            Multidisciplinary Teams

            The Individualized Education Program

            Special Considerations for Young Children

            Transition Services

            Procedures for Ensuring the Rights of Students and Families

    No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

            Assessment Requirements

            Alternative assessments

    Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

    Court Decisions Affecting Assessment Practices

    Responding to Diversity



2) Assessment Framework.


        Assessment Questions, Steps, and Purposes

                Assessment Questions

                Assessment Steps and Purposes

        Assessment Approaches

        Assessment of Assistive Technology Needs

        Approaches to Assistive Technology Assessment

                SETT Framework

                Matching Person & Technology (MPT)

                Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative (WATI)

        Preparing to Administer Assessments

                Before the Testing Begins

                When the Student Arrives

                After the Testing Is Completed

                Interpreting Assessments with Accommodations or Modifications

        Professional Standards


                Responding to Diversity

                Avoiding Assessment Bias

        Emerging Practices: Universal Design



3. Reliability and Validity.



                Approach 1: Using Correlation Coefficients

                Approach 2: Variances or Standard Deviations of Measurement Errors

                Approach 3: Item Response Theory

                Factors that Influence Reliability


        Validity of Test Interpretations

                Consequential Validity

        Alternate Assessment

        Out-of-Level Testing

        Responding to Diversity: Fairness in Assessment


                Nonbiased Assessment

                Linguistic Diversity

        Consideration of Adverse Consequences


4. Developing Technical Skills.


        Standardization Sample

        Norm-referenced Tests

        Criterion-referenced Tests

        Distinguishing Norm-Referenced Tests from Criterion-Referenced Tests

        Scales of Measurement

                Nominal Scale

                Ordinal Scale

                Interval Scale

                Ratio Scale

        Frequency Distribution

        Normal Curve

        Measures of Central Tendency




                Standard Deviation

        Types of Scores

                Raw Scores

                Percentage Scores

                Derived Scores

                Developmental Scores

                Developmental Quotient

                Scores of Relative Standing

                Standard Scores

                Basal and Ceiling Levels

        Standard Error of Measurement and Confidence Intervals

                Standard Error of Measurement

                Confidence Intervals

        Scoring Guidelines

        How Should Assessment Approaches Be Evaluated?


5. Observing, Interviewing, and Conferencing.


        Why Observe?

        Planning Observations

                Observation Questions

                Defining an Event or Behavior





        Observing the Student: Responding to Diversity

                Work habits

                Interactions with others

                Facial expression and affect

                Body movements

                Adaptive skills

                Participation in play and games

        Recording Methods

                Anecdotal Record

                Running Record

                Event Recording

                Duration Recording

                Intensity Recording

                Latency Recording

                Interval Recording

                Category Recording

                Rating Scales

        Steps in Planning and Conducting Student Observations

        Reducing Errors When Conducting Observations
                Errors of Omission

                Errors of Commission

                Errors of Transmission

                Observer Drift

                Predetermined Expectations

                Student and Setting Characteristics

        Understanding More about Reliability

                Reliability Checks

                Calculating Interobserver Reliability

                Reliability of Event Recording

        Understanding More about Validity

                Developing Informal Norms

        Observing the Classroom Environment

                Physical Environment

                Learning Environment

                Social Environment

        Other Informal Assessment Approaches




                Conferencing and Collaborating



6. Performance-Based, Authentic and Portfolio Assessments.


        Performance-based Assessment

                Developing Performance-Based Assessments

        Authentic Assessment

        Portfolio Assessment

                Contents of a Portfolio

                Organizing the Portfolio

                Helping Students Construct Portfolios

        Using Technology


        Responding to Diversity

        Developing Scoring Systems


                Analytic Scoring

                Holistic Scoring


        Ensuring Technical Adequacy


                Consistency and Stability

                Consequential Validity

        Cautions When Using Performance-Based, Authentic, and Portfolio Assessment

                Considerations About Using Performance-Based Assessments


7. Test Interpretation and Report Writing.


        Interpreting Assessment Information

                General Guidelines

                Interpreting Results from Assessments with Accommodations or Modifications

                Generating a Hypothesis

                Examiner Bias

                Using Professional Knowledge

                Responding to Diversity

        General Principles for Report Writing

                Organize the Information

                Relate Only the Facts

                Include Only Essential Information

                Be Aware of Bias

                Present Accurate Information

                Include Any Reservations

                Avoid Technical Jargon

                Write Clearly

        Synthesizing Information

        Types of Assessment Reports

                Reports of Observations

                Individual Test Reports

                Comprehensive Assessment Reports

        Writing the Report

                Identifying Data

                Reason for Referral/Assessment

                Background Information

                Observations of the Environment

                Behavioral Observations

                Tests, Interviews, and Performance-Based Assessment

                Discussion of Results



        Evaluating the Report

        Sharing Assessment Results with Others

                Family Members 

                The Student 

        National and State-wide Assessments

        Using Local Assessments

        Test Software



8. Achievement: Overall Performance.


                Responding to Diversity

        Standardized Instruments

                Steps in the Development of a Standardized Achievement Test



        Group Tests

        Individual Achievement Tests

                Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement/Normative Update

                Peabody Individual Achievement Test-Revise/Normative Update

                Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-II

                Wide Range Achievement Test-3

                Woodcock Johnson Tests of Achievement

        Curriculum-based Assessment

                Developing a Curriculum-Based Assessment Instrument

        Criterion-referenced Tests

                Teacher-Developed Criterion-Referenced Tests

        Assessment Approaches



9. Reading.


                Phonemic Awareness


                Word Study

                Reading Fluency



                Reading Comprehension

        Technological Literacy

        Assessing Reading

        Assessment Principles

        Standardized Instruments

                Gray Oral Reading Tests-4

                Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test

                Test of Reading Comprehension -3

                Woodcock Reading Mastery Test-Revised/Normative Update

        Concerns about Standardized Reading Tests

        Connecting Assessment with Instruction

                Curriculum-based Assessment: Idol, Nevin, Paolucci-Whitcomb Model

                Curriculum-based Measurement

                Criterion-Referenced Assessment

        Informal Assessment Approaches


                Miscue (or Error) Analysis

                Cloze Procedure



                Oral Descriptions

                Written Descriptions

                Checklists and Questionnaires



                Student Journals and Notebooks

        Performance-Based Assessment



        Peer Assessment



9. Written Language.


        Content Validity

        Scoring Written Language Tests

        Standardized Instruments

                Test of Written Expression

                Test of Written Language-3

                Test of Written Spelling-4

        Concerns about Standardized Tests of Written Language

        Connecting Assessment with Instruction

        Curriculum-based Measurement

        Criterion-referenced Assessment

        Informal Approaches


                Error Analysis

                Oral Descriptions

                Written Descriptions

                Checklists and Questionnaires



                Student Journals and Notebooks




                Peer Assessment


                Holistic Scoring

                Analytic Scoring

                Anchor Papers


11. Oral Language.

                Behavioral Approach

                Social Learning Theory

                Psycholinguistic Approach

        Understanding Speech and Language Disorders

                Speech Disorders

                Language Disorders

        Responding to Diversity

        Speech and Language Assessment




        Standardized Tests of Oral Language

                Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals ® Fourth Edition

                Expressive Vocabulary Test

                Oral and Written Language Scales

                Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test—Third Edition

                Preschool Language Scale—4

                Test of Adolescent and Adult Language—3

                Test of Language Development—Primary: Third Edition

        Concerns about Standardized Tests of Oral Language

                Receptive Language

                Expressive Language

        Connecting Assessment with Instruction

                Curriculum-based Measurement

                Language Probes

                Language Samples

                Mean Length Utterances (MLUs)

                Other Approaches

        Observing the Student within the Environment

                Physical Environment

                Learning Environment

                Social Environment

        Students with Severe Communication Disorders

                Augmentative or Alternative Communication Systems

                Assessment for Augmentative or Alternative Communication



12. Mathematics.


        Evaluating Mathematical Abilities

        Responding to Diversity

        Standardized Instruments

                KeyMath-Revised/Normative Update

                Test of Mathematical Abilities-2

        Connecting Assessment with Instruction

        Criterion-referenced Assessment

                Brigance Inventories

        Curriculum-based Assessment

                Suggestions for Accommodations When Using CBAs in Mathematics

                Error Analysis

                Oral Descriptions

                Written Descriptions

                Checklists and Questionnaires



                Student Journals

        Performance-based Assessment




                Peer Assessment

        Observing the Student within the Classroom Environment

                Physical Environment

                Learning Environment

                Social Environment


13. Cognitive Development.


        Responding to Diversity

        Standardized Instruments

                Batería—R Tests of Cognitive Ability and Achievement

                Cognitive Abilities Test

                Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence

                Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude-Primary: Second Edition

                Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude-Fourth Edition

                Differential Ability Scales

                Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test

                Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition

                Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: Fifth Edition

                Test of Nonverbal Intelligence-Third Edition

                Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition Integrated

                Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition  (WISC-IV Spanish)

                Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Ability



14. Adaptive Behavior.


        Adaptive Behavior


                Maladaptive Behavior

        Responding to Diversity


        Standardized Instruments

                Adaptive Behavior Assessment System® Second Edition

                Adaptive Behavior Scales

                Checklist of Adaptive Living Skills

                Responsibility and Independence Scale for Adolescents

                Scales of Independent Behavior— Revised

                Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Second Edition (Vineland-II)



15. Behavior in the Classroom.


        Types of Problem Behaviors Observed in the Classroom

        Perspectives for Assessing Problem Behaviors

                Behavioral Perspective

                Biological Perspective

                Developmental Approach

                Humanistic Perspective

        Responding to Diversity

        Observing the Student within the Environment

                Physical Environment

                Learning Environment

                Social Environment

        Assessment Questions, Purposes, and Approaches

                Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)

        Standardized Instruments for Assessing Problem Behaviors

                Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second Edition

                Child Behavior Checklist System

                Conners’ Rating Scales—Revised


16. Implementing Program Evaluation.


        Introduction to Program Evaluation

        When Does Program Evaluation Happen?

                Formative Evaluation

                Summative Evaluation

        Program Evaluation and Special Education Services

                Planning an Evaluation of a Specific Student’s Program

        Responding to Diversity

        Planning an Evaluation of a Program

                Identifying the Focus

                Developing a Needs Assessment Questionnaire

                Identifying the Informants

                Collecting Information

                Costs Involved

        Designing and Conducting Evaluations

        Participating in an Evaluation of Your Program by Others


17. Involving Families.


        Understanding More About Families

        Responding to Diversity



                Authority of the School

                Child Rearing



                Legal Status

                Literacy and Language

                Medical Practices

                Meetings and Support Groups

                Parental Roles

                Transient Status

        Federal Legislation and the Role of Parents

                Guaranteed Rights

        The Assessment Process for Families of Young Children

                Initial Questions and Decisions

                Screening Questions and Decision for Families

        How Parents of Children and Youth Are Involved in the Assessment Process

                Prereferral Model: Addressing Parent Questions and Concerns

                Screening Questions and Decisions

                Referral and Decisions for the Team

                Eligibility Questions and Decisions

                Questions and Decisions in Planning Services

                Questions and Decisions in Monitoring Services

                Questions and Decisions in Evaluating Services

        Techniques for Listening to and Understanding Parent Perspectives


                Family Stories

                Planning Parent Conferences




18. Assessment of Young Children.



                Choosing Appropriate Screening Instruments

                Limitations of Screening

        Comprehensive Developmental Assessment

                Developmental Assessment and Theories of Child Development

                Choosing Appropriate Developmental Assessment Instruments

        Concerns Regarding the Assessment of Young Children

        Linking Assessment with Early Childhood Activities

        Working with Families

        Transition and Assessment


19. Youth in Transition.


                Legal Requirements

        Transition Assessment

                Purposes of Transition Assessment

                Involving Families

        Person-centered Planning

        Self-Determination Skills

        Assessment Instruments

                Reading-Free Vocational Interest Inventory-2

                Adaptive Behavior and Life Skills

        Work Samples

        Connecting Assessment with Instruction

                Curriculum-Based Vocational Assessment

        Performance-Based Assessment


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